Referee Schedule Starting March 13th

This Thursday we are going to start requiring teams to have a team member referee one match for the night. This match will take place before or after your team’s scheduled match. Your team should only have to referee every other week, but due to the rotating schedule you may be asked to referee two weeks in a row. A note will be added to the schedule if and when your team will need to supply a referee. You can view the note on this weeks schedule; the rest of the season will be filled out soon.

For those of you that have never been a referee its easy.
1) Make sure the match starts on time.
2) Keep an eye on the score, we all know the machines don’t keep the best score.
3) Any discrepancies, you’re the boss.

Here is the referee schedule for March 13th. If you have any questions email or contact us through our Facebook page.

Long Lane
We Suck At Skeeball(Ref 7:30)
TLSkee(Ref 8:00)
Confederaskee of Dunces(Ref 8:30)
Skeeba(Ref 9:00)
Fleur de Skee(Ref 9:30)

Short Lane
No Pantskees(Ref 7:30)
Puskees(Ref 8:00)
Big Skeezy(Ref 8:30)
Traps n Skees(Ref 9:00)
Run DMSkee(Ref 9:30)